Monday, May 16, 2011

Snoring Puppy Pale Ale Party!

Last night, about 12 of the members got together to try the new brew from Pillbox: Snoring Puppy Pale Ale!

We began the night with pizza, hot wings, chips and salsa, and crackers and cheese while admiring the sunset

Jamie tastes the first beer of the night: Laura the Wise (n bock), a dark german wheat beer. Really sweet and delicious!

We all enjoyed the weizenbock together. Tyler noted flavors of honey and belgian yeast.

We moved inside where the Brewmaster explained his unique process of brewing plus some really interesting facts about homebrew

Everyone was served a glass of the new Snoring Puppy Pale Ale. Big hit!

We all got a chance to evaluate the beer based on color, bitterness and body. Some flavors noted were caramel flowers, lemon, tropical fruit, grapefruit, citrus bouquet, a stampede of horses, and puppy scents!

I will definitely throw another one of these tasting parties this summer. Hope you can join us!!

-Brendan the Brewmaster


  1. Thanks for the party, B! We had a great time and the beer was awesome!!

  2. There are moments where I REALLY wish I lived in San Diego. This is one of them.
